About Her

  • ❄ This is my favourite dog ❄
  • ❄ May the Doggo ❄
  • ❄ Hi ❄
Name is Alexia Faye.
If Chinese is more convenient for you; 林巧巸.

Nationality is Singaporean. Born in Singapore. Still living in Singapore.

Born with scoliosis, Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsy (HNPP) & Ichthyosis Vulgaris.
Currently living life with mild carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

High self-discipline.
Have introvert struggles.
Can’t live without music.
Grateful to family, friends and enemies.
Loves singing, dancing and DOGSSSS.
Specifically loves Koi's yakult green tea.
A loyal fan of anime, manga and games.
Is influenced by Japanese subcultures & never regret it.
Enjoys creating photos of herself and the characters that she loves.

One of the most liveliest awkward person you will ever see. Despite her unpredictable nerve disorders, She makes her own costumes and edits her own photos. She is currently self studying on sewing, crafting, photo editing and many more blah blah blah. She squeezes time out for exercises and games whenever she can. She loves to daydream and has many waifus and husbandos too.

This is a blog of a person who diverse a lot, or rather has diverse interests. This place is not just for cosplay, it contains everything that she observed & loves. Most of the time she does stuff, and then talks about it.

Mainly dance, music, photography, costumes, cosplay, crafting, etc.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you like her craps.


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